Sabtu, 17 April 2010

kata and,or, dan but

Words AND

AND logic. This gate has two input state. Each state has a binary value, which represents a logic value, ie TRUE and FALSE. The key to this gate is, its output will be TRUE) if the input is TRUE.
Analogues are as follows:
A boss asks his subordinates to bring the book AND a pencil. If subordinates had brought only one who asked (meaning one that TRUE), of course according to the results of this work is FALSE superiors, let alone none of which was brought by a subordinate, certainly well worth FALSE. Your boss will think is true (TRUE) if the subordinate subordinate jobs are requested to bring these two (both TRUE).
His examples:
A boy and his friends were walking towards the market that maybe they want to shop.

word OR

OR logic gates. This gate has two input state. Each state has a binary value, which represents a logic value, ie TRUE and FALSE. The key to this gate is, the output will be TRUE if at least one input is TRUE.
Analogues are as follows:
A boss asks his subordinates to bring a book OR a pencil. If the subordinates had to take one of the requested (ie, one that TRUE), the course work by superiors is TRUE, let alone both of them brought by a subordinate, would also TRUE. If none is taken (both value FALSE), the result is FALSE.

His examples:

In the event of his television iti participants are given a choice of forward or backward in order to continue to act selanjutmya.

BUT word

used as a denial or rebuttal said.

For example:

he's a pretty boy but he's a lazy child, should he be turned into a child who is more diligent.


Marketing is the process of formulating integrated communications that aims to provide information about goods or services in connection with satisfying human needs and desires.
Marketing begins with the fulfillment of human needs which then grow into human desire. For example, a human being needs water to meet the needs of her thirst. If there is a thirst for a glass of water then the need will be met. But man does not just want to meet her needs but also wants to fulfill her desire is for example a glass of water that Aqua Net brands and portability. So this man chose Aqua bottles that suit their needs in accordance with the thirst and desire that is also easy to carry.
Process in fulfilling the needs and desires of human beings which is the marketing concept.
Starting from the fulfillment of the product (product), pricing (price), freight (place), and promoting goods (promotion). Someone who works in marketing called marketers. These marketers should have knowledge in marketing concepts and principles so that marketing activities can be matched with the needs and desires of humans, especially the targeted consumer.
Marketing Mix
Marketing mix are the four components of marketing 4P
• Product (product)
• Price (price)
• Place (places, including distribution)
• Promotion (promotion)
Economists view of marketing is to create time, place where the product is needed or desired and then deliver these products to satisfy consumer needs (marketing concept).
4P classic marketing methods such as above apply also to Internet marketing, even in the internet marketing done by many other methods are very difficult to implement outside of the internet world.
Marketing strategy
The marketing strategy is very important for a company where marketing strategy is a means of achieving the goals of a company. This is also supported by the opinion Swastha "Strategy is a series of grand design that illustrates how a company should operate to achieve its objectives." [2] Thus, in running a small business in particular is necessary to develop through its marketing strategies. Because now, instead of business critical condition kecillah that deliver revenue growth of the community. According WYStanton Marketing marketing is something that covers the entire system related to the purpose for the plan and determine the price up to promote and distribute goods and services that can satisfy the needs of actual and potential buyers. [3] Based on the above definition, the marketing process starts from finding what is desired by consumers. Which ultimately has the goal of marketing:
1. Potential consumers to know in detail the products that we produce and the company can provide all their requests for products.
2. Companies can explain in detail all the activities associated with marketing. These marketing activities include various activities, ranging from a description of the product, product design, product promotion, advertising products, communications to customers, to deliver the products to reach the hands of consumers quickly.
3. Knowing and understanding the consumer in such a way that fits with the product and can be sold by itself.
In general marketing activities related to the coordination of several business activities.
This marketing strategy is influenced by factors as follows:
1. Micro factors, namely the marketing intermediaries, suppliers, competitors and society
2. Macro factors, namely demographic / economic, political / legal, technological / physical and social / cultural.
The following are things that need to be considered for marketing: From the standpoint of the seller:
1. Strategic places (place)
2. Product quality (product),
3. Competitive pricing (price), and
4. Vigorous promotion (promotion).
From the consumer perspective:
1. Needs and desires of the consumer (customer needs and wants),
2. Consumer cost (cost to the customer),
3. Convenience (convenience), and
4. Communications (comunication).
From what has been discussed above there are some things that can be concluded, that the manufacture of products or services that consumers want to focus on operational and planning activities of an enterprise. Marketing sustainable there must be proper coordination with various departments (not only in the marketing department alone), thereby creating synergy in efforts to conduct marketing activities.

langkah-langkah membuat keputusan

Steps to take decision in management

1. understanding and formulation of the problem

2. collecting and analyzing relevant data

3. alternative development

4. evaluation of alternatives used

5. choosing the best alternative

6. implementation decisions

7. evaluation of the results of decisions

step general decision

1. Do not be afraid to make decisions. Some people are afraid of making decisions. Consequently it is not we who make decisions but keadaanlah that gives us a decision.

2. Do not make decisions emotionally, but please use consideration. Thus we are able to think rationally and calculate plus minus of every decision that we wish to take.

3. To produce quick decisions, you should not delay because the decision could not only through the process of a single night. Keep an eye on any developments that might change your decision at any time.

4. Use a sharp analysis in data processing that has been painstakingly you collect. Take the wisest decision and have the smallest risk. You also still need to supervise the implementation of those decisions one after another.

5. Make sure you know the last limit (deadline), when decisions had to be determined. After that set deadlines for yourself, when you have a decision has been made. Record the date you set as the limit deadline.

6. Please specify clearly the criteria or qualifications that you have to take decisions. For example the decision must be profitable and the company's employees or the decision is not burdensome for all concerned.

7. Gather information and important data that affects the decision. Because who knows the information is required for materials argumentation. Do not forget to set a time limit information gathering.

8. Make your decision from several alternative data and information already collected. Learn and consider the value or weight of each of these alternatives, which are the most fitting and appropriate.

9. Do not even apply subjective in making decisions. This means do not choose your favorable decision or a group of people alone.

10. When you have studied and carefully consider alternatives such decision, do not hesitate to determine the best decision from which there are several alternative decisions. Remember, hesitation will only make decisions that you take "raw" return.

writing- tgs ttg marketing


Pemasaran adalah proses penyusunan komunikasi terpadu yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai barang atau jasa dalam kaitannya dengan memuaskan kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia.

Pemasaran dimulai dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia yang kemudian bertumbuh menjadi keinginan manusia. Contohnya, seorang manusia membutuhkan air dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dahaganya. Jika ada segelas air maka kebutuhan dahaganya akan terpenuhi. Namun manusia tidak hanya ingin memenuhi kebutuhannya namun juga ingin memenuhi keinginannya yaitu misalnya segelas air merek Aqua yang bersih dan mudah dibawa. Maka manusia ini memilih Aqua botol yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dalam dahaga dan sesuai dengan keinginannya yang juga mudah dibawa.

Proses dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia inilah yang menjadi konsep pemasaran. Mulai dari pemenuhan produk (product), penetapan harga (price), pengiriman barang (place), dan mempromosikan barang (promotion). Seseorang yang bekerja dibidang pemasaran disebut pemasar. Pemasar ini sebaiknya memiliki pengetahuan dalam konsep dan prinsip pemasaran agar kegiatan pemasaran dapat tercapai sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia terutama pihak konsumen yang dituju.

Bauran Pemasaran

Bauran pemasaran adalah empat komponen dalam pemasaran yang terdiri dari 4P

  • Product (produk)
  • Price (harga)
  • Place (tempat, termasuk juga distribusi)
  • Promotion (promosi)

Pandangan ahli ekonomi terhadap pemasaran adalah dalam menciptakan waktu, tempat dimana produk diperlukan atau diinginkan lalu menyerahkan produk tersebut untuk memuaskan kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen (konsep pemasaran).
Metode pemasaran klasik seperti 4P di atas berlaku juga untuk pemasaran internet, meskipun di internet pemasaran dilakukan dengan banyak metode lain yang sangat sulit diimplementasikan diluar dunia internet.

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